Friday, 28 August 2009

Berlin Stampede - Line up!

I think this will be my final 'proper' piece for the Berlin Stampede. I will do some more stickers from this and then get everything printed to take to the girls on sunday - then off to Berlin on monday for them!! :-D

You can check out their progress here -

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Berlin Stampede - Stickers

I decided I would produce some stickers for Berlin Stampede girls to take with them which allows them to just whack them around where they like! So I've used some of the characters already created for this. Hopefully will look ok once they are printed onto the sticker paper - fingers crossed!

Berlin Stampede

Another piece for the Berlin Stampede thats coming up.

Monday, 24 August 2009

Uni's Web Site

Stumbled across this on the slide show of my university's updated web page Nice to see it there, but can't believe how bright it is - wow!!

Anyway, need to stop faffing with websites and do more work.

Will update soon.

Animals Take Over Berlin (aka - Berlin Stampede)

This is my first piece for the newly named 'Berlin Stampede' project. I plan to do some single images of animals, while also experimenting with the look for some of them and will see how they come out!!

Friday, 14 August 2009

Animals Take Over Berlin!

Just a quick update on what I'm doing at the moment! I've just started sketching ideas for a collaborative type project, which involves a collection of artists producing images based around the theme 'Animals'. These different styles will then be taken to Berlin on the 31st August (by these three lovely ladies: Cat, Lou and Megan to be placed all around different areas of Berlin and photographed to be turned into a book.

So, got just over a week to get things done, but should hopefully have some fun pieces out of it.

Will upload the images as they get done.